As entrepreneurs, operators, and executives, we - at Helios - have "walked many a mile in your shoes." This perspective is unique among private equity firms. We view ourselves as a true resource beyond just capital. Money has limited value. Real entrepreneurial and operational experience is priceless.

We know that great businesses have more opportunities than resources. We do not have all the answers, but our unique entrepreneurial and operator experiences have allowed us to build an infrastructure and exclusive set of tools to help our partner companies successfully win the right opportunities. Our partners have the benefit of leveraging our full complement of value-added products and services to drive non-linear financial results for their companies.

. Strategy Formulation and Competitive Analysis
. Business Processes toolbox
. Measurement and Analysis
. Talent Resource and Domain Expertise

Growth Tools

Strategy Formulation and Competitive Analysis

We work with our partner companies to provide a proven framework and process for strategic planning. Our methodology simplifies and transforms the often cumbersome process of a one-time “Strategic Plan” creation to a continual dynamic process that provides information to guide a team’s daily decisions.

Laying the foundation of the process begins with a review of the key strengths of the company in terms of physical assets, products and services, distribution channels, core competencies, intellectual property, brands, and customer relationships. Once this “inventory” of corporate assets is complete, the next step is an objective assessment of the current team and organizational capacity to identify people’s strengths and any weaknesses in the current structure.

We also work with our partner companies to provide the models to conduct a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape and plan for their targeted market position. Finally, a detailed economic analysis of the company is performed. This financial analysis goes far beyond the typical analysis involving profitability, financial strength and cash metrics but uncovers the value drivers behind the numbers. Once these tasks have been completed, we can assist the operating team in developing a detailed “strategic execution plan” that allows our partner companies to leverage their competitive strengths relative to the market and effectively links strategy with execution.

Business Processes Toolbox

A critical component of scaling a company’s operations is codifying the key business processes so they are understandable measurable, and repeatable. Rather than our operating partners reinventing the wheel each time, Helios maintains an extensive library of detailed frameworks, methodologies and models mapping and detailing best practices in such areas as compensation plans; supply-chain optimization; capital budgeting; sales and marketing strategies and tactics;sales pipeline monitoring and management; IT assessment; recruiting, interviewing, and retaining top talent; systemically creating and reinforcing shared values and winning culture; and much more. Many of our partners pick and choose the tools needed for their particular situation and leverage them to build a strong foundation for continued growth at every level of the organization. If desired by our partners; we will help set up the most appropriate business systems and processes for the situation as well as facilitate the strategic thinkin innovation, and sound business planning that moves a company confidently and efficiently towards realizing its purpose.

Measurement & Analysis

Once any additional systems and structures are identified and put in place, a key component of maintaining and advancing a healthy business is monitoring developments that might impact the company. Rather than just reviewing financials, we work with our partner companies to develop the right key performance indicators to measure internal and external performance to lead and manage the company on a real-time basis. These key measures may include both financial metrics such as analysis of profitability by product, market segment and customer; as well as operational measures on customer satisfaction, internal processes, innovation, and improvement activities; and even key metrics for sales and marketing performance. Our experience at Helios shows us that when this level of detailed KPI measurement is conducted and boiled up to a management dashboard view; then the leadership of our partner companies can focus more energy towards their true, intangible skills that make the difference between good and great for them and their companies.

Talent Resource and Domain Expertise

Unique among private equity firms; the principals not only have experience leading and managing middle market companies, but we have also brought together a network of experienced executives who are willing to work with our operating teams to address critical operational issues. High performance companies have flexible strategies, and leaders with vision as well as engaged workforces. These leaders know the first step in recognizing, anticipating, and adjusting strategy and tactics as needed is the realization that one person cannot possibly know all that is needed. By listening and evaluating the perspectives of Helios and its advisors, our operating partners receive unbiased, objective perspectives. By approaching old situations in new ways, this often results in calling into question assumptions on the rules of the game and helps foster “thinking outside the box.”

We know that great businesses have more opportunities than resources. We do not have all the answers, but our unique entrepreneurial and operator experiences have allowed us to build an infrastructure and exclusive set of tools to help our partner companies successfully win the right opportunities.

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